South Africa’s leading Family and Labour Law Experts
powered by Moolla Attorneys Inc.
Combined 4 decades of experience within our legal team.
We achieved a R1.25 Million Award at the CCMA for our Client recently
Real Courtroom litigation experience
Amongst South Africa’s top firms is one that stands out from the rest.
We at Legal Leaders have a vision of educating one million South Africans of their rights. We do this through many tools: most well-known are our social media platforms. But there is a lot more to us than just talk.
We have partnered with Moolla Attorneys Inc: A law firm that specializes in labor law, family law and commercial litigation. They have established a reputation for bringing justice back, and letting South African’s stand up and be counted once again…
Through the use of world-class advanced systems, South Africa’s top legal minds, and cutting-edge AI we are bringing the law into the 22nd century and beyond
Our unique partnerships mean that not only are we able to talk to your company or organization about the law and how you can be empowered, but we can do the same for individuals too. From asserting your constitutional rights through to opening a small claims court case, you need not do it alone.
And, because of our partners, we are not only bark, but can bite too. We have a dedicated team of world class lawyers ready to assist you if you need it.
In this way you can get real legal advise on your matter, offering you real insight and options. CLICK HERE to book your consult TODAY.
The internet has no boarders, and nor does the law. No matter where you are, if you need to know something about South African law, or to speak to an expert on it, we are the team for you.
From consulting to global organizations, or helping to issue a divorce summons, our team can assist you.
Not everyone lives in Durban, or in South Africa, but that does not mean we cant meet you and assist in your matter.
Our fully automated system allows you to meet with us wherever you are: Face to face, or through any number of online meeting platforms.
More so, we have panel attorneys through out South Africa, so if you need us to visit you, that could also possibly be possible.
You can book 24/7, so right now you can start the process of resolving your issue. Immediately afterward payment is confirmed, you will receive an email that will contain the link to your own private and secure data collection form.
That form normally takes about 20 minutes to complete, but it largely depends on the complexity of your matter, and if you are a returning client.
From there you will be able to schedule your consult. Our attorneys operate on CAT, and usually keep South African business hours of Monday through Friday, 9am to 4pm.
However, if you need to meet at a time more convenient to you, just let us know and we can see how we can possibly accommodate you.
YES. Remember, you will be meeting with an attorney, and in a professional capacity, so the meeting will be treated with the utmost of confidentiality.
In addition, the 3rd party apps and partners we use offer the highest level of internet security, so you can be assure that EVERYTHING you tell us in CONFIDENTIAL.
Our clients love us to bits – so much so that a group volunteered to make a video about their experiences with us.
From all walks of life, across South Africa, we are the organization for you.
South Africa’s leading Family and Labour Law Experts
powered by Moolla Attorneys Inc.