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Calling a Witness to Testify at a Disciplinary Hearing

Legal Leaders

In hearings, witnesses are crucial. A case without witnesses is extremely difficult and often impossible to win.

At hearings, evidence is divided into three categories:

  • Documents,
  • Sundry items such as video tapes, stolen goods, photos, and other items relevant to the case, and
  • Witness testimony.

Here are 3 steps to approach your testimony.

Step 1: Be calm and relaxed.

It’s already stressful to sit in a witness box and answer questions. But being stressed is not going to help. So it’s important to be calm and get into the right state of mind.

Step 2: Carefully jot down exactly what happened. This will help refresh your memory.

Stick to facts like the date, time, and place.

Before you testify, try to picture the scene, the objects there, the distances and exactly what happened.  This will assist you in recalling the facts more accurately when asked a question. Use this as the basis of your testimony.

Step 3: Do not memorize your testimony. This will just add to your stress. It’s better to keep a note of the main points you want to cover. Don’t try to memorize what you are going to say. 

Doing so will make your testimony sound unconvincing.  Instead, be yourself, and prior to the hearing go over in your own mind the matter about which you will be questioned

The most important aspect is to be calm so you can think clearly.

If you feel uncomfortable during cross-examination- ask the judge for guidance on how to answer that particular question.

Be confident. Be Clear.


Legal Leaders
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