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How To Disarm A Narcissist?

Everyone has a narcissist in their life; that person who is incapable of seeing beyond their nose. In contrast to the majority of us who are able to cope with the ups and downs of life, narcissists tend to control their surroundings very tightly. When they are unable to control something, they blame others.

 A narcissist isn’t someone we choose to be in our lives, they just are. Sometimes, it’s not easy dealing with someone who is narcissistic, so we must learn how to deal with him or her.

Tips to disarm narcissists:

The key principle is to control your emotions when you lose control of your emotions then narcissist takes over that’s exactly what they want so what are narcissists.

Narcissists are self-absorbed people who have no care or compassion for others.

This is what makes narcissists so difficult to get along with, they will try and find a way to make you the one at fault.

  • Tip number one:

Reconnect with your friends and family. A narcissist will try and alienate you they will try and isolate you, like how a lion isolated spray. The best way is to spend time with friends and family, which will bring you some sense of normality again.

  • Tip number two:

Don’t fall for their comments and their negative feedback towards you. For example:

“why can’t you take a joke”

“I never said that, why are you always so angry or in a bad mood”

“You’re being paranoid”

“ No one will love you like the way I love you”

These are all meant to make you feel bad about yourself, don’t take them to heart they will try and make you feel bad for expressing yourself and you must continue to express who you are.

  • Tips number three:

They will criticize your parenting skills, if the children do something wrong, a narcissist will find a way to blame you for that it’s because you are a bad parent, they will avoid taking any responsibility and that’s a classic tell-tale sign of a narcissist.

  • Tip number four:

Ignore the insults. The insults are bait, a narcissist will want you to take them because when you take them your emotions are activated and when you’re in the fight they know they have control of you.

  • Tip Number Five:

Foster other healthy relationships like turning to friends, family, therapists, and supportive individual who can offer you respect and a sounding board to help you deal with your emotional situation.

In summary

The best way to deal with a narcissist is to maintain control of your emotions far easier said than done especially if you have an intimate relationship with them.

Dealing with narcissists involves not letting them drag you down to their level. Maintaining your cool under pressure and controlling your emotions will be crucial to disarming a narcissist


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